
Parent Handbook: Health




NAPS has a dedicated health coordinator and health room. The health coordinator is trained in CPR and first aid for students but is not necessarily a nurse.

It is imperative the school be informed of special medical conditions, allergies, etc. This applies to mild allergies and problems as well as serious issues. If a child requires treatment or medication during the course of a school day, the medicine must be on hand at school with the proper release (see later in this section). Please keep the school up to date on all health-related information as changes occur. In the case of certain medical conditions, the school reserves the right to require a doctor’s statement regarding the child’s health.


Immunization and Disease Prevention

The Naval Academy Primary School is required by law to comply with the immunization schedule set forth by the Maryland Health Department. An up-to-date immunization form for each child must be submitted to the office no later than the first day of school. A student lacking proper documentation may be excluded from school. Forms are available in the school office.

To curb the spread of communicable illnesses, students are expected to observe and maintain proper hygiene. Students should arrive at school clean and well groomed. Parents are asked to encourage regular hand washing at home, and keep student fingernails clean and trimmed.


Emergency Contact

Each family must submit the name and phone number of a local friend or relative willing and able to pick up each child. (This information is requested on the Student Information Sheet.) This information will be used if a parent cannot be reached in the event of an emergency such as illness, accident, or school closure.


When To Keep Children Home

According to the USNA Pediatric Clinic and Anne Arundel County Department of Health, the school recommends the following guidelines regarding sick children:

· Keep children at home when ill. Many illnesses are of shorter duration if recognized and treated early. Be alert to symptoms that may indicate the onset of a communicable disease.

· A child should not attend school if experiencing any of the following: fever of 100°, rash, reddened eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, productive cough with fever, persistent runny nose with green or colored discharge, or other untreated nuisance condition such as ringworm, scabies, or head lice.

· Report any incidents of contagious diseases to the school.


When To Go Home Early

Parents will be contacted to pick up children exhibiting any of the following symptoms:

· Fever 100° or higher

· Fever less than 100 o if accompanied by headache, stomachache, or diarrhea

· Nausea or vomiting

· Skin rash not seen by a physician

· Coughing, if excessive

· Reddened eyes not seen by a physician

· Conjunctivitis

· Head lice


When To Return To School

Listed below is the school policy—as recommended by the USNA Pediatric Clinic and Anne Arundel County Department of Health—for children returning to school after illness. Parental cooperation is expected and appreciated.

Chicken pox:

Child may return with a doctor’s note and if all scabs are dry. Other school-age family members may attend school if well. Observe siblings each morning for symptoms.

Fifth disease:

Child may return after diagnosis and when fever-free for 24 hours.

Conjunctivitis (pinkeye):

Appropriate treatment in effect for 24 hours and no colored discharge.

Head lice:

Child must be treated with lotion shampoo prescribed by a physician or over-the-counter treatment recommended by a pharmacist. Child must be free of lice and nits, and cleared by a school official.

Illnesses requiring antibiotics:

Child may return once prescribed treatment has been in effect for 24 hours and free of fever for 24 hours.


Child may return when released by physician or under treatment and lesions have begun to heal.

Infectious hepatitis:

Child may return when released by a physician, but not before seven (7) consecutive days from the onset of jaundice.


Consult a physician. Child is excluded if he/she has fever or if physician has recommended the child stay home.


Child may return after undergoing treatment.


Must consult physician. Child may return after undergoing treatment.

Scarlet fever, scarletina, and strep throat:

Child may return to school 24 hours after treatment has begun, and has been fever-free 24 hours.


No vomiting for 8 hours and no fever for 24 hours.


Medications And Excused Absences

All medicines to be administered at school must be kept in the school health room. Medicines are administered by the health coordinator or other authorized staff members.

· Prescription medicines must be properly labeled and accompanied by a Request to Administer Medication at School form (forms available in the school office). This form requires both a parent and physician signature.

· Over-the-Counter medications must be accompanied by a form signed by a parent only.

· A parental note is sufficient to excuse a child from physical education class and recess for one or two days.

· If a child has a serious injury or condition that could be construed as possibly limiting physical activity for an extended period, the school requires a note from the child’s doctor stating any restrictions on the student’s activities while at school.

· If a child is absent more than three days, please inform the school office regarding the reason for the absence.

· The school has the right to request a written note from a physician upon a child's return to school after illness.


Food Allergies

The school should be informed of any food allergies. Parents should complete the health form as necessary and provide any medications. Appropriate precautions will be taken in individual classrooms and the lunchroom.

Any child with a serious food allergy must be accompanied by a parent or designated adult on any field trip or classroom party. No exceptions will be made.


Toilet Training

All children must be toilet-trained. In the event of a first-time wetting incident, a staff member will notify the parent. In subsequent wetting accidents and in all soiling accidents, a staff member will alert the parent, who will be expected at the school immediately to take care of the situation. If a chronic pattern develops with a student, it will be necessary for the director to evaluate the situation with the parents and the child’s physician to determine the feasibility of the child remaining at NAPS.