
Parent Handbook- Attendance




We expect families to recognize the importance of school attendance and maintain the integrity of the school calendar accordingly. It is the position of the school that no amount of homework can replace the personal instruction of the classroom teacher or the interaction that occurs among students and staff during the normal school day. Consequently, we encourage you to take your trips during school vacations but we do understand that it may be necessary in special circumstances to make a trip during the school year. Students away from school on a trip will be responsible for making up assignments as designated by the classroom teachers and should make arrangements in advance of any trip (see HOMEWORK POLICIES). We also encourage you to schedule dental/medical appointments after school hours, during school breaks, or on teacher in-service days, when all students are dismissed at 11:45 a.m.



It is extremely important that students be in the classroom on time. Late-arriving students are a disruption to the entire class, causing a loss of valuable teaching time. Students arriving in class after 8:20 a.m. are marked tardy. The number of times tardy is noted on the student’s report card. For late arrivals: parent must park, sign-in the child with the office staff and then the student may proceed on his/her own to the classroom. (see SAFETY RULES)

· Notify the office in advance if your child will be arriving late or leaving early. If leaving during school hours, parents must park (there is fifteen-minute parking in the driveway), come into the school, alert a school staff member, and sign-out the student. It is not the school’s responsibility to have a student ready and waiting. Full-day students will not be dismissed at midday carpool, as a parent must always sign out the child during school hours.

· It is not necessary to call the office when a child is absent only one or two days except in the case of a contagious disease; however, when an absence exceeds a three-day period, the parent is expected to call the office with an explanation.

· The school has the right to request a written note from a physician upon a child's return to school after illness.

· When a student's absence during the year exceeds twenty



NAPS endeavors to follow the Naval Academy’s school-year calendar as closely as possible. The NAPS Year-at-a-Glance is distributed at the beginning of the school year. This calendar includes holidays, vacations, teacher in-service days, and other dates that are planned a year in advance. Additionally, a monthly calendar, distributed in the Tuesday Envelope, includes current listings from the Year-at-a-Glance as well as dates added during the school year.


Code of Conduct

All NAPS students are expected to conform to a basic code of conduct that includes being honest, trustworthy, dependable, and respectful at all times. Students must respect school property as well as property belonging to teachers and other students. Any infraction of this code of conduct will result in disciplinary action. (see DISCIPLINE)