
Parent Handbook: Lunches and Snacks


Lunches and Snacks

Students provide their own lunches and beverages. Parents are encouraged to provide healthy options and adequate portions. 

 Any food or beverage brought to school should be in an unbreakable container that the child can open without assistance; pop-top cans are not allowed. 

 Sodas are not allowed. 

 Students must not bring items that require heating or refrigeration. 

 All students bring a midmorning snack from home. 

Classroom fundraising activities often include serving a hot lunch to the students once a week. Such projects are planned by a parent committee or classroom teachers and depend upon volunteer assistance to ensure successful operation. An information and sign-up sheet is sent home before each lunch program commences. 

The school is not equipped to provide lunches. Any student coming to school without a lunch will not go hungry, but the food provided will be of the most basic nature, and you will be billed $5 for the lunch; price increases for chronic abusers. You will be called if we are made aware of the situation early in the day so that you can bring a lunch if you prefer.